Choosing Solar Power Kits & Outback Power Systems For Your Home

Solar Panel Power Kit

New technology in the solar panel kit market could make solar power simpler to set up and more cost-effective than ever.
For years customers have heard about the benefits of solar power: lower electric bills; clean renewable energy; helping the environment. But most customers were priced out of the market. The technology was too expensive, especially in a weak economy. And property owners looking to low cost by installing their own program often had to navigate a tangled mess of racking, wiring, and building codes.

Now several manufacturers are offering Solar Power Kits that set up on the lawn, or on decking railing, and in that case connect into the wall to provide power for your house.

Another sticking point with the old solar power techniques was the increasing technology. Homeowners were required to have a wide, south facing roof, which excluded a large proportion of homes. The new techniques can be mounted on decking or in the yard, which implies almost anyone with limited shading can use a solar power kit. And the kits come with the increasingly integrated into the back of the panel so that installation literally takes minutes.

Choosing the right battery for your Outback Power Systems or hybrid solar power system is one of the most important decisions in the whole design process. The beauty of living off-of-the-grid is your independence from the utility company and your ability to have power all day every day without fail – so long as you size your battery bank correctly and use the right type of battery for your application.

There are many different types of battery turn on the market; a battery for cars, boats, trucks and others. Batteries are available in currents from 2 volts all the way up to 48 volts and higher now for renewable energy use.

If there is anything paramount to be taken from this post it is this: NOT ALL BATTERIES ARE EQUAL! Renewable power techniques require a deep-cycle battery. Therefore that battery can be discharged very low over a long time; whereas a car battery is designed to put out a short burst of power just once to start your car – from there the alternator provides power and restores battery.

There are a lot more details to be found on selecting the right battery for your program and a good bit of details exceeding this post. There are many more types of battery, such as lithium and iron-nickel – and as prices drop these new technologies will surely help to improve the renewable energy market.
Outback Power has created a nice tool for slightly monitoring and configuring your solar power program from any Internet-connected PC, tablet, or smartphone.

Now that the whole solar panel technology market has changed from niche to mainstream, finding a unique calling is vital to success. Whether it’s a water bottle or tiny home, marketing to the solar power niches may be the key to get you through the renewable energy door.

New technologies have consistently brought down the price of solar power over the last decade. With these new connections and play options, we’re sure to see solar power become more cost-effective and simpler to set up than ever.


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