How Solar Energy Works In An Off-grid System.
Do you live or play in a remote area that is not served by an electrical utility? Are you tired of using the generator to produce power for your residence or vacation cabin, or even worse going without some of the basic modern conveniences because you have no power system? Then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss how solar energy works in an off-grid system, and why Fire Mountain Solar is your best choice for design, production selection, installation and technical support for off grid power. Whether you’re connected to the grid or not, you can still use solar power. But while a utility served home can by with just solar panels, an inverter and racking, an off-grid power system needs energy storage (deep cycle batteries), a charge controller, and usually a backup generator to make sure you have power at night and when there is not much sun. These makes an off-grid solar system more complex to design and installation, and it requires more maintenance ...